Advanced Technique Volume 2: Myofascial and Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Technique for the Shoulder

Instructor: Ben Benjamin

Advanced Technique Volume 2: Myofascial and Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Technique for the Shoulder

Dr. Ben Benjamin brings you this accelerated course in muscular therapy, where you'll learn detailed palpation anatomy as well as myofascial and massage techniques designed to support the treatment of the most common soft-tissue injuries in the shoulder.

These techniques are advanced variations on the Benjamin System of Muscular Therapy, targeting injured ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Collected here are all the teaching and lead-through videos Dr. Benjamin uses during his full-day Advanced Technique Workshop. Dr. Benjamin also walks you through palpation anatomy step-by-step so you can kinesthetically learn to locate the exact injured structures for your work.

Full-color digital manual and CE exam is included with purchase.

Approved by NCBTMB for 4 CE hours.

Total Running Time: 139 minutes

Also available separately on DVD.

Cost: $195

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