Unraveling the Mystery of Hip and Thigh Pain » Adductor Injuries

Instructor: Ben Benjamin

Adductor Injuries

Adductor injuries afflict hundreds of thousands of people. They are common in sports such as football, soccer, hockey, basketball, tennis, figure skating, baseball, horseback riding, karate, and softball. They can cause intense pain in the inner thigh up to the pelvis. This course goes into detail on the anatomy, assessment and treatment of injuries to the adductor muscles and tendons. 

Series: Unraveling the Mystery of Hip and Thigh Pain

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Continuing Education Hours
Hip Joint, Psoas, and Sartorius Injuries: 1
Hamstring Injuries: 1
Quadriceps Injuries: 1
Adductor Injuries: 1
Abductor Injuries: 1
TOTAL: 5 CE hours

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