Unraveling the Mystery of Hip and Thigh Pain » Hamstring Injuries

Instructor: Ben Benjamin

Hamstring Injuries

Many people suffer from hip and thigh pain at one time or another. These injuries are a continual nuisance for clients who have increasing pain and don't know where to turn. The standard assessments and treatments are often of limited help. Dr. Benjamin goes over the techniques for identifying and removing adhesive scar tissue through hands-on treatment. This course will cover the discreet set of injuries to the hamstrings, how to assess and treat them, as well as how to prevent them from recurring.

Series: Unraveling the Mystery of Hip and Thigh Pain

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Continuing Education Hours
Hip Joint, Psoas, and Sartorius Injuries: 1
Hamstring Injuries: 1
Quadriceps Injuries: 1
Adductor Injuries: 1
Abductor Injuries: 1
TOTAL: 5 CE hours

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