Unraveling the Mystery of Knee Pain » Client History & 23 Injuries Common to the Knee

Instructor: Ben Benjamin

Client History & 23 Injuries Common to the Knee

To detect which injury is causing pain in the knee, a detailed history is the crucial first step. The knee history gives you invaluable information. The pattern of injury, the type of pain, whether the knee locks or swells, and the location of the pain all help you to narrow down the possible injuries before you even begin the physical assessment process.

In this seven-part course series, Dr. Ben Benjamin discusses the 23 knee injuries that you are most likely to encounter. You'll come away understanding the relevant anatomy and assessment for each of these conditions, as well as therapeutic techniques for those you can treat and referral guidelines for those you cannot. Toward the end of the presentation, Dr. Benjamin answers questions submitted live by course participants.

Series: Unraveling the Mystery of Knee Pain

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Continuing Education Hours
Medial Collateral Ligament Sprains: 1.5
Client History & 23 Injuries Common to the Knee: 1.5
Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprains: 1.5
Medial and Lateral Coronary Ligament Sprains: 1.5
Patella Tendon Mechanism Injuries: 1.5
Other Culprits in Knee Dysfunction: 1.5
Clinical Applications for Knee Pain: 1
TOTAL: 10 CE hours

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